Plot Summary
In an alternate future where the Korean peninsula is still a part of the Japanese empire, Sakamoto, a Japanese Bureau of Investigation (JBI) agent of Korean heritage and Saigo, his Japanese partner try to solve a strange case where Pro-Korean nationalist "terrorists" attempt to steal a strange archaeological artifact. Initially Sakamoto is valuable to the case because of his ability to communicate with the terrorists. He is later removed from the case when it is discovered that his father had some previous involvement with the terrorist group. Sakamoto's desire to solve the mystery involves threatening the powerful Inoue Foundation. This only makes him more passionate about its resolution and after uncovering more on his own, he discovers that reality isn't how it should be. It then becomes his new mission to restore history to its rightful path.
The film shows an alternate history supposing that Hirobumi Itō was not assassinated by An Jung-geun in Harbin, China, in 1909; this change results in Ito's leadership guiding Japan as a military and industrial power that allies with the United States against Germany in World War II (dropping an atomic bomb on Berlin in 1945) and retains all of its wartime conquests (as well as Korea). The film takes place in 2009, 100 years after Ito should have been killed.
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